Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the British Society for Spondyloarthritis
PUBLICATION NEWS: Use the below link to Rheumatology and read an editorial ‘Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the British Society [...]
PUBLICATION NEWS: Use the below link to Rheumatology and read an editorial ‘Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the British Society [...]
National Axial Spondyloarthritis Society has opened applications for the fourth cohort of its quality improvement programme Aspiring to Excellence. [...]
UK investigators have created an international working party to help define Difficult-to-treat Psoriatic arthritis (D2T) in clinical practice and [...]
Third cohort of Aspiring to Excellence launches The National Axial Spondyloarthritis Society (NASS) in partnership with BRITSpA, have announced applications [...]
Applications closed on 31 July 2019 for the first cohort of the NASS Aspiring to Excellence programme, a strategic partnership [...]
Be part of the 2nd wave of Aspiring to Excellence Programme recruits Calling all healthcare professionals who look after people with [...]